More frustrating than enjoyable
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Given the cast, I thought that this series would be a lot different. The storyline there's so many holes it becomes uninteresting and shallow. The story could've been summarized in a few episodes but it was stretched out ridiculously to 20. Supposedly these two lead characters have been in love with each other for 9-10 years and yet they treat each other with such disrespect and disregard we're supposed to believe that that's true?! The men in this series are all loud, mean, and exhausting. The lead male character Joon Young could've been so much more... But never became anyone you care about. The only redeeming male character is Eul's little brother Jik. The female lead character Eul is so annoying and immature. Joon Young's mom is beyond cruel. None of the female characters were truly likable, same as the male characters. When there was a hint that you might develop an attachment to a character, they suddenly shifted gears again and became unlikable. The story is sad and drags on beyond necessary to a point where Loss of interest is the results. I found it to be more frustrating and boring than enjoyable!
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