The Undoing (2020)
In the end mediocre
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It started out very good, the first half is great and there is an intriguing mystery. But it soon starts to fall apart. The trial is so over the top and written with less finesse than a bargain basement Law and Order episode with people shouting and overacting, especially by the woman playing the defense attorney. The end is a dud and a complete cop out with one of the main characters suddenly becoming a maniac without any buildup.

The acting is generally fine, with two exceptions: Edgar Ramirez and the boy playing son (who wasn't very good in the A Quiet Place movies either). Every moment with them on screen is painful.

There is potentially a great two hour movie here, but telling this fairly simple story in six hours was excessive.

What a wasted opportunity.
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