Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
There's nothing like it
5 November 2021
I think to simply dismiss Twin Peaks as "weird" is not doing the show any justice. Sure, it doesn't fall into the realm of conventional narratives, but Twin Peaks still offers enough plot and storytelling for it to be considered quite straightforward. Where it does differ to most mysteries, is in the direction. Twin Peaks is filled with idiosyncrasies in the diegesis. It has one of the most unique visual presentations in TV and quite surely the most abstract character constellations. Somehow everything and everyone is connected, but it's the how and why that keeps it so fresh constantly. Even when the storyline goes through some rather uneventful motions in the 2nd season.

The highlights for me were almost always the episodes directed by Lynch because the way he way he frames and blocks characters in the midst of surreal set pieces, is quite wonderful and exciting. Not least because of the amazing ominous sound design, mise-en-scene and music by Badalamenti. Everything fits together wonderfully in such a harmonious way. Every character and every acting decision makes absolute sense. This absolutely demands overperforming and theatricality as the atmosphere of the show is just too unnatural to force naturalism on it.

Twin Peaks is one of the most compelling and perplexing pieces of television that fully embraces its concept and makes bold cinematic decisions. A masterpiece.
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