Red Dead Redemption II (2018 Video Game)
The Most Well-Crafted Game to Date
6 November 2021
There is no game quite like "Red Dead Redemption II (2018)". The graphics alone remain the best to date of any video game despite being released 3 years ago. The story begins in the snowy mountain tops in the middle of the night. You'll feel cold just by playing. Each step you take followed by a foot impression in the deep snow, the torches they carry illuminate the area allowing you to visualize each time they exhale their breathe into the air, the wind whistles as they wince and clinch their jackets for just a little bit of warmth. What may be even better than the graphics are the voice actors themselves. A well selected cast set to perform a Tarantino like script couldn't have panned out any better. Arthur Morgan, the character you play as, is voice acted by Roger Clark. Roger Clark was raised in Ireland but he'd make you believe he was from Texas with his impeccable accent. All the ups and down through the story whether it's laughter, something emotional, anger, all seem so genuine, the voice actors deserve a huge applause. This game is so grand that one game's staple could be hunting, meanwhile it is just something so trivial in "Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)". You could be riding horseback on a dirt path appreciating the landscape when all of the sudden you hear a squawk in the sky. You look up and see a hawk of some kind. You are able to shoot it out of the sky, hop off your horse, find where it landed, retrieve its pelt, and sell it to a merchant in a nearby town for currency. You can really lose yourself in time playing this game and it is one I recommend to anyone interested in video games.
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