Good Riddance
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers

I rated this five stars because it does, at least, feature the departure of Sara Sidle.

Without doubt, Sidle is the most depressed, and depressing, character I've ever encountered in a television series who didn't kill her/himself. That doesn't happen here, for the even more depressing reason that she will be brought back later in the show's run to again be a major buzzkill.

Grissom himself, of course, is a walking DSM-V exemplar of clinical depression. In his case, though, there is the fact that he's a genius with fascinating obsessions and semi-interesting insights. There is no such excuse for Sidle's persistent downer personality. The writers did exercise discretion by not showing the unbridled relief of everyone she worked with at her leaving, so there's that.

Grissom himself will eventually depart himself for some weird, genius reasons. He will turn up in cameos, in the wild with a butterfly net. Tastefully, we are not shown the white-coated orderlies who are doubtless chasing him with their OWN nets.

There is otherwise a lot to recommend this series, to be sure. Even more, now.
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