Review of Snowflake

Snowflake (2017)
"Unique" is not the same as "worthwhile," and also, this movie is not at all unique
8 November 2021
Reviewers calling this movie different and special missed the '90s, I guess. After Pulp Fiction hit big, endless wannabe auteurs tried to imitate Tarantino in a thousand smarmy, self-referential, ultraviolent movies. Almost 25 years later, Germany made another one. Here it is.

Snowflake pushes it a little further by literally including the screenwriter in the story, but even that isn't new. Every potentially interesting concept here was already done better in Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation in 2002. Hell, it was done better in a Will Ferrell movie, 2006's Stranger Than Fiction.

Any time Snowflake threatens to explore its recursive ideas even a little, it quickly diverts into boring gun violence, interspersed with the occasional dental torture scene or cannibal serial killer for an equally dull and derivative change of pace. If you've ever wanted to be bored by a disemboweling, this is your film. Yes, eventually you'll get to see a blind martial artist fight an electro-powered superhero for about ninety seconds, but you'll have to sit through TWO FULL HOURS of squibs and gouting red corn syrup to get there. There's nothing stylish or inventive about the gun violence; does 'bullets fly, people fall down' even qualify as "action" at this point? It's just padding.

There's just enough here to fill out a trailer and make it look gonzo and inventive, but you could edit Snowflake down to a five minute short without losing much. As it is, the one or two cool moments aren't worth the time investment for the rest of this very boring revenge-cubed plot pile. I can't stress enough that this movie is 121 minutes long and the entire plot is "All characters want revenge on other characters, so everyone onscreen shoots everyone else until they run out of fake blood and go home." Don't waste your time.
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