Review of Sloane

Sloane (1985)
Sloane Achieve The Rare Z+ Status.
10 November 2021
Directors Dan Rosenthal and Richard Belding bring us one of the better 1980's Filipino Z movies. Sloane is played enthusiastically by (Robert Resnick) who keeps the pace going with some snappy one liners while he and his counterpart Cynthia Thursby (Debra Blee ) are out to rescue Cynthis's sister Janice Thursby (Ann Milhench). Sloane cracks wise throughout while Cynthia is the serious hot tempered girl. Think of the TV show Moonlighting which may have influenced this all action winner. Now Sloane was hired by the sister's father and excepts a blank check from dad and is determined to rescue Janice as they were once an item when Sloane lived in Manila. Sloan is your average Karate Superhero who likes to drink and will take a much deserved trips to the brothel from time to time. The movie moves right along with a couple of twists and turns and the requisite high body count. One of the fun moments involve the cannibal pygmy's who apparently haven't dined in quite some time. This movie is like a good 1980's "B' movie with a lot of explosions and pretty ladies. The down side is that the sub plot's get a little convoluted, and actor (Resnick) is definitely not great at Karate, but great stunt men work covers for him. Sloane's high pitched voice reminiscent of a 15 year old is also a little distracting. The sound track is not the best with too many elevator saxophone solos, however, with a handsome leading man and a gorgeous leading lady (Debra Blee) and a decent script it more then offsets these shortcomings. Sloan is no piker when it comes to bedding the ladies either just ask the sisters and the brothel girl. There is one great scene for the guy's involving actress (Ann Milhench) Janice who flutters her six foot frame and her fabulous legs down a flight of stairs while sporting a sexy white satin kimono. It's definitely worth a rewind and Sloane is definitely worth watching.
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