Impossible to categorize
10 November 2021
I turned this movie off about 10 times, but forced myself to finish it, although I don't know why.

If you have a strong knowledge of Sweden and Swedish politics, you may find this film enjoyable. But if you do not, then you may be bored out of your skull.

The person who created this must have thought it was an absolutely brilliant idea to have two politicians from opposite sides of the coin, one closeted, married gay, and one out gay, fall in love with each other.

On paper, that probably looked good. But on the screen, it was basically a well-shot endless chat fest with tons of mismatched music.

The movie is supposed to be a "comedy" -- although the subtitles made sense in English, I think I only laughed once. So, again, perhaps in Swedish, this movie is hysterically funny.

Well shot, but there is nothing that is really engaging. It's hard to relate to a single person in the entire film and it seems to be a series of endless dinners of meeting, sexing, breaking up, making up, wash and repeat.

I gave it 4 stars because it was shot fairly cleanly and some scenes looked very good and obviously there was some money spent on this. Story-wise, though, I'm sorry; it just doesn't work, at least it didn't for me.
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