Review of Things

Things (1989 Video)
Maybe an intriguing relic, but mostly so bad it's bad
11 November 2021
I don't hand out one star reviews very often, but I'm sure even the film's biggest supporters can understand that it deserves little more.

On my first attempt to watch it, I lasted all of 15 min. It's extremity of low brow and lo fi was not expected, and apparently not ideal for a date night with your significant other.

Still, I couldn't help but be a bit fascinated that someone had the audacity to put together this project with such a blatant disregard for any technical proficiency whatsoever. The fact that this film was not only finished, but somehow released internationally and remembered over 30 years into the future is a small miracle.

So I changed the setting and tried again, opting for a small group of like minded, Tommy Wiseau loving friends. The ability to tune out and make wise cracks certainly makes it easier to reach the finish line on this monstrosity, but I wouldn't say it hits the so-bad-it's-good heights of something like Silent Night Deadly Night 2 either. While there were a couple moments where the culmination of gratuitous gore through homemade effects made the room erupt with laughter, there are just far too many slow moments where the inane dialogue is so obscured by the poor sound quality that it winds up losing your interest, fast. Hardly the laugh-a-minute experience of something like Troll II.

It pushes the limit of amateurishness so far that you begin to question where the line is between a humorously bad film and watching someone's horror themed home movies that were shot on a camcorder between six packs.

If your morbid curiosity has brought you this far, chances are, it's already too late for you, so just watch it already, there are worse ways you can spend your time, but don't say you weren't warned.
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