Tough As Nails (2020– )
What Reality Shows Should Be Like
11 November 2021
Wonderful show, wonderful host, wonderful contestants. The values system the show brings out is right up there. It brings out the best in the contestants in teams and individually. There is respect, hard work, honesty, compassion, inclusivity and generosity...all the values that take people through the toughest times and helped build this great nation! No lying, cheating, backstabbing, paybacks, or two-faced "strategizing" that pull people down instead of up. I love that Phil is so humble, so motivating and so down-to-earth. This is what the real world should look like, what we should be teaching to our kids---the example that building up is better, that competition is great when it's fair, that you shouldn't use or manipulate people, that even if you don't win it all or have the best skills, you are valuable because you have a part and are part of this world.
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