Loved it....great voice over work.
12 November 2021
My favorite part is the color palette. So beautiful and rich. I've screen grabbed several often to add to my photoshop and illustrator swatches. Several scenes in which the sky is yellow, then pink, are so masterfully combined, i am sure no one notices.

The characters are all so unique and wonderful ....their interaction with their ah ma is lovely. Reminds me of my grandmother Mama Clara. Although I am hispanic, my sister in law is Japanese and i see many commonalities in these multicultural families. Read that the author's wife is Korean.

Voice overs are wonderful. Kathie Soucie (sp?) should get an award for her work as Ray Ray. She can make him sputter, laugh, giggle, snort, shout and withhold his breath...all in one sentence. And Juniper has a lovely rasp to her voice.

Check this out its fun....better than the kid who tuns into a dragon.
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