Invasion: Home Invasion (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
NIght vision goggles required for this episode
12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can only watch this on the cross trainer because it is so dire - but my masochistic side compels me to watch this in the vain hope that a phoenix of a show will rise from the ashes. Erm.. nope - still not happening

Well at least I burned 250+ calories - unfortunately damaged about a billion brain cells in the process.

Pretty much the whole episode was a take on the Gene Barry and Ann Robinson scene from War of the Worlds 1953 - with less suspense I may add.

The local amateur dramatics society have gotten involved to add sound effects with their box of glass, plank of wood + hammer - and someone with a violin who had never played before. Turn down the lighting till you can't see anything always helps build that sense of threat...

Once more characters do stupid, unrealistic things that would decrease their chances of survival by about a million percent.

The mother (Aneesha Malik) makes choices based on plot advancement. Last week she played doctor - this week she remembers she has a family and doesn't want to play doctors anymore.

This week her amnesia kicks in again. Owner of the house has a shotgun - he tells them it is loaded and he has only one shot left cos he used the other one on the alien. Perfect time to pipe up that you have a pistol? Pfft - don't be ridiculous I hear you all shouting!

I found the episode dull, predictable filled with sterotypical jump scare moments that aren't even alarming - glad it's over.

It can't get any worse can it?

I gave it a 2 cos the pointless bunch of school kids weren't in it :)
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