Just Confusing and Hollow
13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Holy Hogwarts. Where to begin with this one?

Tonight we've got Bruce Lee versus Terry Silver in the direct to video Timecop 2. I don't think this got a cinema release? And I don't think Jason Scott Lee's career really took off in Hollywood?

We're in nazi Germany and they've introduced the soldiers to Eastern Kung Fu methods. Okay. If you say so.

The actor playing Aldof looks nothing like Hitler. He's a bit overweight, and pale, and seems timid.

How's that for confusion - Mr. Silver went back in time to blow Hitler away and Bruce Lee saved Hitler's life and defends him.

So Bruce Lee then belts up 3 English bobbies and brings a Ripper suspect back to the future and he's executed and turned into ground beef.

I'm showing bias toward this movie as I'm a fan of Mr. Silver but honestly remind me again what Kurt Russell said in that courtroom scene in "Tango and Cash." Never mind.

Sonya Blade is the female eye candy in this, but she adds zilch to the plot other than to stand there and look pretty.

Man, this is not making much sense. It's jumping all over the place.

They should have captured Hitler and brought him back to the 80's and made him ride all the roller coasters at Disney Land in Minnie Mouse ears and a blouse.

I wonder what ever became of that actor who played Terror in "The Wanderers?" Did he make any other movies? Sorry, my mind's literally wandering.

Mr. Silver is a spitting image of the baddie from "The Crow" in this.

Alright then, can we see a show of hands - who's actually following this movie?

Apparently Mr. Silver is holding a grudge that Bruce Lee prevented Hitler from being killed and he's going back in time and erasing all the time cop officers as punishment?

Mr. Silver just went back to 1929 and got his ass kicked by a bunch of chefs in a kitchen. Yer, that's integral to the plot. Wow.

Mr. Silver now looks like Howard Stern here in 2002.

So, is this all it comes down to at the end - a silly fist fight between the 2 karate kids? Never saw that coming.

Mr. Silver is losing badly to Dragon. Surprise surprise.

Hey, I got an idea, can someone go back in time and prevent this movie from ever being made and erase it from history so future generations don't waste an hour an 19-minutes of their lives watching this?

"People often wonder how this movie died. I prefer to remember it the way it lived." R. I. P. Timecop 2.
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