Tom Kennedy Shines
13 November 2021
I watched this Torchy Blane entry this Saturday morning on TCM. For some reason, Lola Lane plays Torchy instead of Glenda Farrell. And Paul Kelly takes Barton McLane's role as Steve McBride. The change was only for this movie, though and the regular leads were back in the next Torchy Blane movie. Maybe there were scheduling conflicts?

The plot involves a bank robbery with new bills all carrying consecutive serial numbers, being stolen. Gahagan's Leopard Lodge figures in the robbery. Since it's easier to get rid of hot money in Panama, the robber boards a ship going there. Steve, Gahagan, nosy reporter Steve Crafton, and of course, Torchy, all wind up on the ship, too.

TBIP suffers because there is little chemistry between Lane and Kelly, unlike Farrell and McLane. And Paul Kelly doesn't look comfortable in a comedy role. But Lane does bring some energy to her Torchy character.

The best part of the movie is that Tom Kennedy, as Gahagan, gets more screen time and really spices things up. He provides his usual comic relief, but Gahagan is pretty sharp in this one and even finds the big clue needed to solve the case in Panama. Tom Kennedy played a lot of comedy roles and performed with the likes of Shemp Howard and The Marx Brothers. He really stands out in TBIP and makes it worth watching all by himself.
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