Give Me the Re-Write Department
16 November 2021
Despite its mighty earnestness, proclaimed during a prelude sequence of several rocket launches, "H5H" founders on the implausibilities that abound in Jack Copeland's script, which is just way too ambitious for his budget. On the one hand, the story is centered on a rocket fuel plant that's alleged to be one of the most dangerously explosive and smelly in America; on the other hand, the security arrangements at this installation look to be about worthy of a 7-11. They are easily surmounted by a semi-literate hillbilly maniac, who also has figured out during a few idle minutes how to build a mercury-switch-activated dynamite bomb. And then the fun begins. Stephen McNally, Coleen Gray , and Vic Morrow do their best but they are several cuts above the rest of the ensemble.
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