9-1-1: Defend in Place (2021)
Season 5, Episode 8
The best this season! Spoilers!
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So happy TPTB got back to basics and returned to the formula that made them the best show in this genre. Sad to see Michael and David leave but was handled so well. A gracious tribute to the pair, especially Michael. And they kept him alive which means he can pop back occasionally. So classy. Best of all channel 8 without a reporter! Thank you! An unnecessary distraction- there's no redeeming that character so give it up and send her packing. Even Claudette proved more human than Taylor. Cut your losses and move on!

Loved the true hope and faith scene. Very nice touch. And started by Athena - great job. Always love the music you all use! Between that and the filming - always so good - a big part of this show!

Congratulations! Returned to your roots! Please keep that thought!!
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