Touch and Go (1980)
16 November 2021
The best that can be said of this film is that it's always a pleasure to see Wendy Hughes, Carmen Duncan and Jeanie Drynan, who are good in even the worst roles. This all-women heist movie collected some of Australia's most beautiful and talented actresses and flew them between Sydney and Queensland to make a corny, far-fetched and pretty silly heist-caper flick, where the main interest is checking out the 70s fashions, furnishings and cars.

Badly-written, poorly filmed and with a plot full of holes, this supposedly feminist film is a poor showcase for all the actresses involved, most of whom fortunately found better roles elsewhere. It's no Oceans Eight Down Under! Jon English is hopelessly cast as the saucy gardener, but most of his jokes, like the others in the film, fall flat.
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