The Blue Rose (2013)
I rather enjoyed it...
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For the reviewer who whinged about the "unpleasantness" of Aussie Dramas, stating they would stick to watching "witty kiwi adventures"...the joke's on you: this IS a kiwi adventure! (I cringed while reading that, lol...SMH).

I found it an enjoyable experience, and a definite escape from the dreadful rubbish HollyWeird spews out. Almost a "role-reversal" in character for Antonia Prebble (Jane) and Siobhan Marshall (Linda) from their roles in Outrageous Fortune: Siobahn's Pascalle in OF was the naive, yet cautious one, wanting to believe in the goodness of everyone, while Antonia's Loretta was the hard, jaded, chronically untrusting, guarded one, suspicious of everyone...the opposite seems true here, for Linda and Jane.

The mystery factor adds to the overall plot (Who killed Rose and why? What is really going at Mosley's? How much of a baddie is Peterson, and can he be stopped? As each new character is introduced, we wonder if they contributed to the corruption - and ultimately, Rose's death). As another reviewer mentioned, a sort of Burn Notice "light" without a Michael Westen protagonist, but rather, a seemingly mismatched team - The Blue Roses - without Michael's (or Fiona's) physical "warrior" skills, and a series-long arc rather than a "client of the week" format. The team takes up minor "causes" to assist the underdog, however. The first series ends on not so much of a cliffhanger, but leads us to believe another series was possible, with a whole new mystery to solve with the Roses leading the charge. Alas, it was not renewed, so we will never get to see.

Again, overall, I found it worth a watch and binged during a long weekend. To each their own...for those who didn't get into it, no's your prerogative not to watch. YMMV.
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