The Wheel of Time: A Place of Safety (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
21 November 2021
I´ve read the first book of the series somewhere in 1991. The big difference between the wheel of time series and all other fantasybooks was that the female characters were strong and important. At that time, fantasy book I think were largely a male domain and thus it was extremely interesting too read a book where the female characters were as important as the male characters. Importantly, the dialogues between Rand and Egwene were sometimes very funny and thus besides the exciting story, there also were pointa where you could laugh.

I´m now in the third episode of the series and I´m really disappointed. So many things that are simply wrong. The dialogues are terrible, the acting is mostly terrible. The characters don´t remind me of the characters in the book, except for Perrin which I think is well-casted. Pike is OK as Moraine, Thom Merrelin also is OK. Although Daniel Henney gives a good performance as Lan, although I would have liked a heavier Warden (more like the hound in GOT, but also faster and deadlier. Some other reviewers also mentioned this before, but it is ofcourse strange that in an "inbred" village far away from the big cities, all the people have different etnicities. In case of the traveling tinkers this is what could be expected. The CGI is much less than what would be expected from such an expensive series. The trollocs look terrible compared to the orcs in the LOTR which was filmed 20 years ago. Maybe the acting gets better, maybe I´ll get used to the characters, but overall, until now it´s a dissapointing show which probably doesn´t get better because the writing simply will stay at this level.
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