Bones: The Secret in the Soil (2007)
Season 3, Episode 4
Annoying Douchebag Sweets Joins the Cast
22 November 2021
Just when the show was hitting its stride, the incrdeibly smug and annoying character of Lance Sweets (John Francis Dailey) joins the cast. He claims he has been hired to decide if Booth and Brennan can work together. That seems like an incredible waste of money. Why would the FBI do that? Why would the Jeffersonian Institute do that? Highly dubious explanation for the existence of Sweets.

The actual mystery death is a tale of organic farming gone wrong, and a girl who thought wrongly that her Daddy was having an affair with a young employee of his grocery store. It seemed like nobody talked to anyone? Like "Hey are you screwing my Dad?" could have avoided a couple of murders.
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