Dark & gritty rollercoaster of psychedelic nihilism & crime
23 November 2021
"Requiem for a Dream" & "Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas" meets "Boondock Saints"

Some audiences may come out of this with different perspectives, but, I personally saw it as a gritty, dark tale of a group of people that, in between getting high as a kite, devolve from jaded to IDGAF degenerates (some to wildly varying degrees), and then facing consequences of their actions, realizing in the heat of the moment how their relationships have been affected by all of this nihilistic behavior.

There is some humor present but it is very understated. A scene showcasing a psychedelic trip has to be seen to be appreciated - it doesn't go off into the cliché bizarre subtext as you'd expect but keeps it grounded in reality, but in a most entertaining way. There is a balls to the wall action scene or 2 that you normally wouldn't see in an indie film but is pulled off so magnificently here you quickly forget you are watching an indie film.

For an extremely low budget film, it is very resourceful and accomplishes what is on par with popular studio low budget films (whose definition of "low budget" is a few million) that have been made by writer-directors who went on to make huge mainstream films. The only way a big budget could have changed this film is by providing name-recognized stars and perhaps better lighting in some scenes (which screams "low budget indie" look to some, but I personally like the dark and realistic lighting scheme and think it works well and was purposely done this way for artistic vision and not due to lack of funds). This has all the ingredients to later become a cult classic if director Tristan Jensen ever gets the fame he deserves. The masterful editing in Beguiled Company is on par with anything big budget Hollywood submits to award shows.

This mature roller coaster of a movie isn't for everyone, but it definitely deserves to be seen by it's target audience.
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