Review of Planetes

Planetes (2003–2004)
one of the only 3 shows I'll rate 10/10 shows
23 November 2021
It's hard to explain why this anime is so amazing some might say the story, the music, the characters or maybe the visuals but for me it's a combination of all of these factors.

I feel like this anime has one of the best story lines ever because it doesn't give the all the answers right away I love it when this show hints or gives the viewer 'half-answers' but like a thread the arc's unravels little by little and during that time we see the characters true feelings and thoughts we get in there lives to the point that by the end the story leaves a very emotional payoff and satisfying 'real answers', I feel Yuri's arc is like this (don't worry no spoilers), and when we see these characters true feelings they ironically feel down to earth and to the point where we can understand them all even when they collide against each other. Also every character has an arc everyone is connected and has value to the story, and while the ending isn't wrapped with a bow or anything by that matter it does what every ending is supposed to do be satisfying, perfectly.
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