Wonderful film noir story with some great twists and turns...isn't it always a dame?
23 November 2021
"They turn a spotlight on you and then they narrow the search...You wonder how it happened and where it all really began. It started somewhere beyond the searchlights and sirens. You had ideals and you went to a top law school...I think it all started when I received a telegram that Ellen was coming home."-Steve

This wonderful little film noir starts with our unsuspecting Steve picking up Ellen from the airport. These two are practically engaged to be married but Ellen starts working Steve with the idea that she doesn't want to raise her children in poverty like she was raised. Naïve and happy Steve goes right in and asks his boss for a raise...for which his boss gives him the runaround and a resounding no. Steve works for an insurance company who, like all insurance companies, is trying not to pay out claims.

Desperate to save his company money and to try to get a raise, Steve embarks on a dangerous idea to hunt down the mobsters who stole furs from their client. Steve gets roughed up a bit, but his gamble works and one of the mobsters bites...returning the furs for $10,000 no questions asked. Steve earns $2,500, for which he buys a ring and rushes over to Ellen's...only to find out from her landlady that she is married and left for a honeymoon in Europe!

Drowning his sorrows over his lost girl, one of the mobsters makes Steve an offer to make the insurance hustle a regular scheme.

"You know what I like about you?...you never worry about me smearing your lipstick."-Steve.

"Don't talk to any strange girls."-Joni.

"Do we put a tail on him?"-Cop "I don't know, I think he looks pretty cute just the way he is."-Steve.

"You're not talking to the sucker you left. Oh no! I took your advice and went out and got a liberal education. There are a few things they don't teach you in law school...like how to buy a penthouse. Well you were a great teacher and I've graduated. I can afford to send Stevie to Oxford only there isn't any Stevie."-Steve

"See I'm too smart to stick around because I'm still sucker enough to be in love with you."-Steve.

Good story and excellent film noir plot. If you are a film noir fan...this should be on your list to see.
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