I'm Your Man (2021)
25 November 2021
Not since Carrie Bradshaw have I seen a female character who is supposed to be contemplative and observant written as immature and inconsiderate as Alma. She is an archeologist so there is obviously no lack of intelligence, but every moment she's onscreen, Alma comes across as resentful and shallow. She agreed to this experiment, she's a scientist whose entire life's work is about observing human development, and yet she acts like a child angry that the stepfamily has moved in and invaded her space. There are no deep, intelligent exchanges between the characters, only a one-note robot mansplaining to Alma what she needs to do to be happy and a supposed mature scientist basically giving him the finger for two hours. Dan Stevens is a gift and his performance was adorable, rising well above the material; otherwise, this film was more irritating than engaging.
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