Yes it's silly
25 November 2021
Other reviewers have dealt with the silly story, fair to poor acting, and poor production values.

I've said before even though it's probably well known that most of us don't expect strict adherence to reality in these movies, especially when royalty is involved. I think this movie fits a young audience where the nonsense is more easily accepted and even enjoyed

Having said that, Tasha's disrespect for the King, which in this movie reaches the point of outright, albeit private, rebellion, was a little too much for me. She acts like she is smarter and can boss around the King. One might even say that Tasha's attitude is American arrogance at it's worst. Then there is the message that a female has as much right to the throne as a male which is repeatedly hammered home. Again, this is a concept we fully accept in America (or at least we should), but that isn't the case everywhere in the world.

There were humorous moments. Some fell flat. Some will appeal to many. The bit with the ring in the tea cup was pretty silly.
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