Bewitched: A Vision of Sugar Plums (1964)
Season 1, Episode 15
I Remember This
25 November 2021
I was looking at a nostalgia site when someone mentioned this episode and I suddenly had a memory of watching this on Christmas Eve when it was snowing outside and I was so excited. My mother was setting my hair in the living room. I was standing on the coffee table so my mother and I could see my reflection in the mirror (everyone had a big mirror over their couch in those days - so big & heavy that my mother left it on the wall when she sold the house in 2005 because she could it get it down). In the mirror I could see the reflection of the house across the street. The owner was a builder & electrician and he'd put up a wooden painting on his roof which showed Santa stepping into the chimney with a sack full of toys. It was lit up by a spotlight and was just about the greatest thing I ever saw. To me, it really looked like Santa was climbing into his chimney. The spotlight also lit up the snow that was falling on the roof. And this show came on. I was about the age where I wasn't sure if Santa was real, but seeing this show made me sure that he was.

I came to IMDb to check if the show aired on Christmas Eve as I remembered, and it did, in 1964.

Billy Mumy got to do the best stuff. He got to rule his hometown of Peaksville, Ohio. He got to go see Santa at the North Pole. He got lost in space and battled the evil Dr Smith with his robot pal and he always won. I was very jealous of him. I said to my parents "Why does that kid get to do so many cool things & you guys don't let me do *anything*?!"
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