Fixing Up Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
A romance like this might fix my Christmas?
26 November 2021
Fixing Up Christmas (2021) -

I quite liked this one. It wouldn't be at the top of my list by any means, but it ticked the boxes for good cheer and Christmassy things, as well as cute guys and a good story. However there are so many of these films now that the story was a bit of a re-write of at least three others that I've seen, but it still shined fairly well in its own right, with a new cast and slightly updated take on things.

Despite his initial introduction as a brusque uninterested guy, the lead male, Marshall Williams playing Theo, was actually quite adorable by the end. I might have given up on the film as a whole if he hadn't been so handsome, because he really was a knob at the very beginning. I was pleased that he was working in a smaller independent business, instead of being a completely work driven lost corporate soul, as so many of the others have been. I could see that it was easier for him to open up to the new things he was being shown, without getting too agro about a tyrannical boss or the pressure of his job on the line.

Natalie Dreyfus in the role of Holly was ok too I guess, but not what I watch these films for. She was a tad annoying, but I felt that the two together, balanced each other out to form a nice couple and I was happy to watch their story unfold as their playful interactions bloomed in to something very cute.

But why have a dog and bark yourself? Why get a party planner and devote your best architect to help her out for days at a time, when he should be properly planning for a very important presentation. As it turned out, he needed her input and encouragement in the end, but it wouldn't be how I would utilise my staff, if I'd paid someone else to do the job.

I also get frustrated that they don't plan their Christmas parties sooner than 10 days before the actual event, a party that will be very important in showing what a fabulous company they are to a prospective client.

I had to book one of my team parties in September when I used to plan things, because you can't even turn up to a pub for a drink without booking things way in advance any more at that time of year.

I'm not sure that the comic relief in the form of Nick (Matthew Kevin Anderson) was necessary either. I've seen him in other films and he's never impressed me with his over the top portrayals of characters that were actually already jokes. His romance with Blaire (Bethany Brown) also didn't add to the film and that time could have been better spent on the leading pair instead.

I did find it odd to see Casey Manderson in such a small role as Felix too. He's the cutest little guy who deserves more leading roles and I'd love to see a film with him and Marshall falling in love or maybe with Luke Macfarlane? I suppose that's kind of been done since the first time I reviewed this film in various other releases, mostly Made For TV, but more recently in 'Bros' (2022) too, but I think that there's still plenty of scope for more.

I did wish that they had spent a bit more on extras to actually fill out the party and festivities, because there was no way that they could impress or have a great night with just the ten people they had on the dance floor.

Other than all of that and despite some of it and due in many ways to Marshall Williams charming smile and character, the film was nice, without being overplayed or too silly.

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