Review of Anomaly

Star Trek: Discovery: Anomaly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Too Much Emotional Baggage
27 November 2021
I get it, humans have emotional baggage, but when that's 95% of what you see it's a bit overkill. It really gets old. At the very least, can we please talk about how the character we are with triggers our deepest insecurities AFTER the life-threatening event has been dealt with and not during it? Is professional focus unreasonable to expect? And when we do explore the deep emotional wounds of characters, can it please not take the majority of the show? Also, can we at least TRY to be subtle rather than hamfisted with attempts to be progressive?

I miss the first two seasons and am about to give up in this iteration of Star Trek which is a shame because it started out so well in my opinion.
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