The X-Files: Small Potatoes (1997)
Season 4, Episode 20
You think the fall killed him?
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Small Potatoes is about Mulder and Scully traveling to a small town, when there are reports of five babies born with tails.

The episode's laughs a minute, with superb writing and Darin Morgan golden as Eddie. The general opinion here's that the high-point of the episode's when Eddie becomes Mulder, with him locked up, though that's where it wavers a bit for me. Still love it though, there are so many funny lines.

Mulder: I admit the photo's a little over the top, but uh, what do you think Scully? Scully: No, seriously.

Eddie: They spelled my name wrong. It's Van Blundht with a silent "H". B-l-u-n-d-H-t. Mulder: Oh, we'll get right on that. Eddie: Lots of people spell it wrong. It's like Dutch or something. Can I go now?

Scully: But what are you saying, that that Van Blundht is an alien? Mulder: Not unless they have trailer parks in space. This is something different.
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