Bridget & Eamon (2016–2019)
A Show Bad Enough for American TV
27 November 2021
Utter Dreck! A show that portrays Irish Catholics in all the worst ways. If this show portrayed Irish Protestants in the same manner as it does Catholics, there would have been numerous bombings in Belfast, Dublin, and London. They would have been excused by the legacy media, and a hue and cry would have arisen from the politicians and the social media warriors. A fine example of how political correctness is used in modern society: protect a favored group, and attack another non-favored group. One needs to understand that this is a relatively new show, not something from the 70s. If this show had portrayed Muslims, Protestants or Atheists with the same brush it does Catholics, it would have been taken off the air after one episode. Time spent arranging canned goods alphabetically in your cabinets is better spent than watching this crap.
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