Volition (2019)
Good try guys... But, this movie is NOT as clever as they make it seem to be...
29 November 2021
Basically that... Yes, the movie is intriguing to start with and for about the first half of the film it does hold your attention, and technically it is done well.

BUT... in retrospect, without giving anything away, as clever as the filmmakers are trying to be, you realize that fully about half of the movie is pure repetition, but NOT in a particularly cool way, not when you truly analyze it. YES, there are a few sharp 'Moments' in the movie that are pretty good, but quite honestly it simply does not make up for the whole rest of it.

I don't want to spoil it, so I'm not going to go into detail. But, pretty much what you have here is taking the truly cool element of say 'PRIMER', just that one sliver of a good idea, but honestly doing nothing particularly clever with it. Even some of the themes, such as they are, that are running through the film, such as Fate and Choice, still, again I can't say it enough, they just simply do NOT develop them or do anything else very effectively with the rest of the story.

The ending after wading through the entire movie is pretty good, the last 5 minutes or so are okay. But, when you look back over the movie you see that no matter how slickly or stylishly or even technically they try to execute the story, there just really is no actual substance there. I mean, it's a fair way to pass the time, I guess. And, the acting is very good, especially the guy playing Ray. And, the technical elements are done well, but the basic premise and what they do with it in my lowly and wretched opinion is completely wasted.

Normally, I don't go out of my way to give movies a negative review, but since I feel specifically that if a person truly has any brains at all and really likes this 'Type' of film, I feel that there is a good chance that you are going to be disappointed by the result.
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