Bodyguard (2018)
Sierra Zulu 7-9, Lavender is good to watch
29 November 2021
There are two reasons why most people would have watched this show. Firstly, for our King in the North being the Lead and second, it's being marketed outside UK as the highest watched British TV series in recent years. But I guess the reason for high views is actually the first reason, Richard Madden. As it's obvious, he plays a Bodyguard and he nailed it. Whether his stoic expression while on duty or his progressive PTSD in private, he does a splendid job. Kudos to the writers, for writing a intricate plot with a multitude of threats in a sensible manner despite a few loopholes here and there. Richard's character PS Budd must be having a hell of a time dealing with them all. The police procedurals were intriguing to watch. But what's wrong here is it feels too monotonous. Not the bingewatch type of show. Even the clever twist at the end doesn't impact much. Overall it's a decent political thriller that's worth a watch.
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