29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, that was rather a bland episode. But, let's talk about UNIT first. It was established in 1967 by the Grand Serpent changing the course of human history rather than the Brigadier establishing it sometime the events of The Invasion in rather Spring 1969 or 1975 (( according to the original RadioTimes article of The Invasion that was published in 1968, when the writers were going to make UNIT stories to take place in the near future. )) OR Summer 1972 stated by the Brigadier when he said to Jamie: "That's right, McCrimmon, in the underground. Must be four years ago now." referring to the events of The Web of Fear or the Grand Serpent was working for the Brig at the time. But, we are not here to speculate about UNIT Dating, ja. It was great seeing Kate Steward return to the screen after six years. The Grand Serpent was the real reason why UNIT had a budget issue. Not going to lie, but. I would dig it if he was Irving Braxiatel because he has similar looks to him and the vibe. From what we saw from the UNIT flashbacks, I am going to assume that Kate is being hunted down by the Grand Serpent for four years.

I however did not enjoy the episode. It was a jumbled mess where I just didn't care, but it was nice seeing the Ood again and the scenes of Karvanista. I was hoping for this episode to be mainly focused on Dan, Yaz & Jericho. But you know how Chibnall loves to easily resolve his cliffhangers. As Yaz has been poorly used throughout his runtime. I got to give her points for beating that random stranger up in the ship, bravo! I wonder if that place where Swarm and Azure are at Gallifrey because it looks familiar to the Citadel. Yeah, there isn't anything to talk more about this episode, and I don't have the time to share my thoughts with the new-founded Division lore since I have no thoughts on it.

EDIT: The Sontarans returning felt anti-climatic. We already had a story on them a few weeks ago! I was hoping for it to mainly focus on Swarm and Azure.

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