Rooting for the Swarm
30 November 2021
It has been a long time since I have reviewed anything on IMDb, but I felt compelled to finally write something about Doctor Who as a whole as this current series is just a mess.

For some context I have been a fan of Doctor Who since the Tom Baker era, so I know a bit about the history of the show before it returned to the small screen.

There have been some great stories since it was resurrected, but any fan of Doctor Who would be disingenuous to say that all of them have been great, or even good for that matter.

Personally I am tired of the "uber" companions that seem to know as much as the doctor or who are so integral to the doctor's story that they cannot just "go off into the sunset". Rose, Donna, Clara are examples of this. But it goes beyond that. Clara and Ashilde are now immortal (depending upon one's perspective). Ashilde has her own time machine. Now we have Yaz who seems to have knowledge far beyond any human capacity.

One other thing that really irks me with the companions is that most of them are arrogant. They rarely show fear because they assume the doctor will always save them. I have found that I feel little empathy for any of them because they continually make bad decisions and are saved from most negative consequences from those decisions. Some times it is just "dumb luck" and other times it is the doctor.

Older versions of the doctor were curious, but now we have "know it all" doctors who always have tricks up their sleeve, or should I say a sonic screwdriver, which is used too much. In this latest episode the arrogance of the doctor blows me away. She is not in a position of power yet continues to act as if she is.

The writers have thrown away Gallifrey and the Time Lords as if there are no more stories to tell. Gallifrey was always this mysterious place that we (as fans) wanted to know more about, but they turned the Time Lords into an evil race (more evil than the Daleks) that they eventually turned into Cybermen and then destroyed Gallifrey. The was all done with the pretext of making the doctor more mysterious.

For this current season I have found some of the stories confusing. This "dog race" with its symbiosis (or whatever) with the human race) is one of the stupidest ideas I ever have seen put on the screen. I watch the first half of each episode and have no idea what is going on because each plot is occurring in a different place and a different time. The second half tends to connect the dots, but by then I don't really care anymore. I find myself not caring about any companions or any of the other plots because I feel they have little or no importance to the overall story.

By the end of this story I found myself rooting for the Swarm. I would just as happy with the series ending than with the doctor somehow saving the day.

Unfortunately I expect that the doctor will stop the division and the Swarm (without guns) and undo the damage done by the flux by "decompressing" it, whatever that means. There is so much mumbo-jumbo talk (she did say "reverse the polarity") that it feels that the writer is just putting garbage into the script and expects the fans to eat it up.

My hope is that when RTD returns that they have Matt Smith wake up from a long sleep and realize that the last few seasons were just a dream. :-)
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