Run On (2020–2021)
Lags, But Red-Cards Hazing + CEO & Artist💝 Frames A Slinky-Smooth Masterpiece *VG*
2 December 2021
RO's a feature that trots out a showbiz tranlater who collides w/ (tramples?) a track star. A former English major, she's a Korean who transforms English voice into Korean subtitles & visa-versa. It's fascinating to watch her labor over language to convey the right emotion & tone. We learn translation is an art, & it can make or break a foreign film.

While RO runs out of steam, we'll loll in that later.

When the primary duo meets, circumstances mandate that she offer him a meal, but he's not hungry. She puts her number in his phone. Her name: "When Hungry, Bang," ~> She'll shoot to him like a bullet. Alrighty, we are loaded & ready: Bang!-Start!

Mi-joo (MJ) is our interpreter. She runs over&over every word she commits to screen. A moviephile, to work on big time productions is her dream. She's a word-artist, & to her life imitates movies. Toughened, she's a stand-your-ground girl. She runs amuck protecting a HS athlete. She'll verbally mollywhoop an interviewer on a trigger, & don't even start on rude directors. While SG pounds the pavement, she pounds Soju, & buys hangover-cure by the case. I'd be *honored* to be her bud.

Ki Seon-gyeom (SG) is a track star. Though an Elite, his father scorns him-&-his profession. As he & MJ often run into each other, they, in due course, form a parity that morphs into love down the road- maybe b/c MJ steamrolls him.

By following SG, we see he's buried himself, as he's hiding from his uber ambitious father. He mistakes caring (Doormatting) for maturity. MJ calls him on it: "Do you know what you seem like to me? The person who's used to being hurt. You got hurt so much that you're used to it now." By fleeing one pit, he fell in another. Pacing w/ MJ enables SG to clomp his father.

MJ runs away after a lane obtrusion by SG's dad. For her, it's pain vs reward. She will have to endure pain to reap life's most precious rewards. As an athlete, SG knows all about it.

She's bonked (walled), while SG allowed himself to get stomped. They both need a lane change. Like Woo-sik, who was cruelly hazed, they had built up endurance for harm: It's time to restart & CO-cross-train.

The utterly sublime, secondary romance of Dan-ah (DA) & Lee Young-hwa (YH) deserves its own review. Did it.

They scouted solid elements.

°MJ doesn't just live movies, she also dreams them. She REMs a stellar old movie scene ala bad dubbing. Cute.

°SG seems to have, well, what is it that allows him to wear the leopard & leather, chained belts a-hangin, w/ zero reaction? He's comfortable with himself & his masculinity? He's not socially or self-aware? Maybe he hates the boxes that society puts people in? He was certainly raised in a constrictor-box. Does he have a dry, but ironic sense of dead-pan humor? Please, let it be all the above. Let it not be that he's benched his emotions. When YH cried in his arms, SG's blank stare is what's scary.

°Shin Se-kyung, as MJ, not only is beautiful, but she has an acerbic dry wit. She can zing 'em, & she has the gravitas to be authentic when so doing. I saw her as a mother-lover once before. Her authoritative aura would get her such parts. While that's not my CupO'T, her RO scenes w/DA are a diamond clad Lalique 🏆.

°After the bday party blew up due to a dustup amongst the circle of friends/strangers, a group pretzel emerges from the tussle, as a mass of streamers enchant the air; a mistimed, but dazzling gala. They switch-tempo to slow-mo, so that in the chaos, MJ+SG halt & stare, oblivious to the melee. What a medal winning scene.

Now, to RO's case of the yips.

Aside from stale stereotyping, much of the show is padding to fill 16 Eps. It weighs RO down. Cutting it from 'marathon' to 'half-marathon' would fix it. (Don't edit outta twink of DA+YH's magical screen time!)

Same director/writer. But the pulse rates of the romances are antipodes. DA+YH has the crisp tempo & editing, the slinky music & most of the mirth. While MJ+SG has adorable pylometrics, their screen time lags. The monotony is from, perhaps, a marathoner pace? That makes sense. Still don' like it.

DA+YH's romance is replete w/ excellence. Virtually no word of dialogue is disposable. It's an intricate masterwork. MJ+SG's might be, but I won't watch it again. I have FF & will use it to get too every moment DA or YH is on screen.

Slow paced offerings can be superb, RO isn't slow like that. I found my attention wandering... because it's (whisper) a bit dull. MJ+SG doesn't have a chance, really. DA+YH have a farther distance, & rockier road to hurdle. Also, YH is: Simply Irresistible- He's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went, da dahah-da Dah-da... Ah, nuttin like the 80's...

The primary romance of MJ+SG is fluff that catches the eye & off it drifts. While lovable, this duo encounters only minor icey patches that quickly melt away. Good for them, bad for drama. Though MJ ain't dull, consider them the sweetest, but most boring couple we know- nobody pays them much mind.

I enjoyed RO, truly; It's... going for a jog, meeting at the coffee shop, or having an impromptu cookout on the roof, & hanging out on a scenic drive w/ mates- just be aware of the potholes ahead.

This is not the first Kdrama to address brutal hazing.

Why do people bully? Really, why? We can reduce it to 1 word: Pride. If your kid's a bully, tho, it's nothing to be proud of. In the words spoken by Morgan Freeman, in the much panned, but worthy, Bonfire Of The Vanities: Be Decent. I've written more, if you're still awake, read on, by all means.

~~QUOTE~~ My mouth is always the problem.

All translation is treason.

IMHO... 💓6 🦋4 SG+MJ 💓9 🦋 7 DA+YH 🎬7 🎭8 🤔6 🎨7 🌞7 🔚8. Age 12+

~~optional~rant~~> {This is #apolitical, as am I. Wholly played out, I've traded politi-rage for love of all.}

Why does bullying still go on, even though everyone knows it's wrong?

It's on us.

Though invisible to most of us, pride, for humans, is THE thing. {Are you looking down on bullies right now? Understandable, but, Umm, that is often pride. We love to point the finger at "the bad guy," (said Pacino) so we can feel superior.} We all do wrong, but our current culture is so rage filled, it seems like we're a decade away from screaming: "Bring out the lions!"

GOSSIP is also pride-based & akin to bullying. I'm glumly pondering the truth that I wishtheyweredead-loathe people who belittle me b/c it hurts MY pride. Ouch. Think of Maslow's peak need: Self Actualization. We grasp at relevance. We want to be special. Seriously, appreciatIon of me is in order, isn't it? Thisall's a tapeworm, my peeps, silently eating up the nutrients that we need for a fulfilling life: Love, community, altruism & contentment. (I would add a healthy spiritual life, where one believes they will answer to a higher power, as that's the most potent deterrent. To each to decide). Pride doesn't improve anything. It hollows a person, atrophying the inside, by overtraining the outside.

Gratitude is essential. For those of us in the USA, there's rarely an excuse, as we're in the wealthiest nation, w/the highest standard of living, in the history of the world. Yet, nothing's "my" fault, & everything is disposable, even relationships. Utterly dissatisfied, we want more & more, More, MORE! Hey, #I deserve it for free!

Humility is a long forgotten virtue that our culture now sees as a vice. Yo, parents! Granted, you (apart from vile exceptions) have the best aspirations, but among humans, the perfect parent has yet to be seen. Your execution *can't* be perfect {To double down on the word "execution": Don't smother or crush your child, either.} Each generation can be so fixated on the mistakes of the former, they may swing too far the other way, thinking we've arrived. Such self-righteousness (pride) can be our downfall.

Most of us think we're great parents, or that we're "doing the best we can."

Let's analyze that:

Since 1960 there's been a 400-550% increase in violent crime, illegitimate births & divorces, w/teen suicide rates up 200%, while SAT scores suffered an 80 point skid.

>We're on the skids. Let's go back to 1960, K?

HA! That's madness. The powerful were sadistic: African Americans & anyone that wasn't a heterosexual, were freely brutalized. What the Jim Crowe era inflicted on any group that didn't fit in is excruciatingly & shockingly depraved. Disrespected, women had low social status. Those in power had a line-up to maintain their top-of the-food-chain privileges, controlling:

>government, housing, education, jobs, even science(!), & all the money.

Outsiders were denied the "American Dream." /! Dreadful! Decade, my man./

So, how's our generation doing? We're also hit-&-miss, like those ugly stats show.

Ironically, we've become what we hated about the 60's!

Look at the list: The self-righteous prigs NOW in power (The Poli-Corporate Oligarchs) control it all now (government, housing, education, jobs, science, &💰) so as to maintain their top-of the-food-chain control. What's worse is they control the information (unless we take pains to dig deeper). We are the most privileged ever, but the most self-involved, wrathful, depressed, anxious-nigh-on-despair populous ever.

Hazing, at least over jealousy, as seen in RO, started w/Cain & Able. It's neither novel nor new. It's sadism- the same trail trod by serial killers. If your kid bullies, drop all the excuses. (Are the excuses even about your precious, disrespectful offspring, or about YOU?) Don't litigate if their target lashes out in self-defense. Be a parent, not an enabling scourge on society.

Could we stop raising monsters, please? Do unto others w/empathy. Raising children is about them. Not you-or your pride.

~~~~~ end rant ~~~~~~

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