Incredibly well written and acted
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hi hello! I never write reviews, so bare with me, I'm just tired of people dragging this era through the mud.

Like every episode of Flux, this episode jumps around a lot, so if you're not a fan of episodes that skip from one place to another this series just isn't for you However, now we have four different storylines, in this episode the pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place, and promise to reveal a beautiful jigsaw by the final.

Story number one consists of The Doctor, now recalled by Division, seeking answers. We find out who the mysterious older lady is, and how she knows so much about both the Doctor and the Flux. Not only did the revelations of this story have me on the edge of my seat, I found myself immediately identifying with how the doctor felt as the older woman, now revealed to be Tecteun, constantly talked down and twisted the truth in an emotionally vampiric way. These scenes are not only written realistically, and respectfully, but acted out perfect as Barbara Flynn and Jodie Whittaker play off each other beautifully as imo, they explore further a fascinating and well thought out arc.

Mental health issues and representation is one of the biggest strengths of Chibnall's writing, certainly no-one can watch this and come out still thinking The Timeless Child arc makes The Doctor anything other than a victim of emotional and physical abuse.

Plotline number two shows us Yaz, Dan and Professor Jericho on a quest to find out the date of which creatures from around the universe plan to invade and take ownership of the earth, all of this we find out via a prerecorded holographic message from The Doctor. This is also a cute and nice way to explore further the complicated relationship between Yaz and the Doctor, as it parallels the adorable Bel and her recorded message from Vinder whilst also showing us The Doctor becoming more comfortable with sharing her fears and emotions with Yaz, albeit far from good communication it's nice to see a more vulnerable Doctor being a little bit more open with Yaz. This feels like something that will be touched on next episode. I'll also add I love how Yaz and Dan especially, but Jericho too, have all grown closer together and have an amazing dynamic in their own right.

Plotline number three shows us The Grand Serpent, a very dislikable alien who's slithered (get it?) their way onto Earth and into Unit. Kate Stewart is back and brilliant for all three minutes of her screentime, standing up proud and strong against this snake dude, although I do fail to believe that only she would notice something wasn't quite right or human with him, I feel like it's more of a nitpick and all of the grand serpent scenes are enjoyable.

Plot number four is once again the struggle for Bel and Vinder to find each other, this time just missing each other as Karvanista recalls Bel's stolen lupori ship. They're both cute and fun and also seem to tie everything together.

How the Revengers fit into all this I'm still not sure on, they seem happy with the opportunities the Flux has given, and have a vengeance for both The Doctor and Division yet know of the conflict between the two, so I'm interested to see where this will go. There's so much more I could say, but I'll end by saying I'm very much invested in this story arc, and look forward to seeing where it goes next, all the cast are on top form and the next episode promises to be brilliant as ever. Hope this convinced you to go into the episode with an open mind and heart. Xx.
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