Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Beach (2007)
Season 3, Episode 5
Not for everyone I guess...
3 December 2021
I see surprisingly a lot of hate on this episode. But I loved this episode, we finally get a better background of the antognists of the show, and they really shine in a very subtle but a very impactful way. It is important to note about Zuko, Azula, Tai Li and Mei and that is they're Teenagers not just that but they group in the Elite part of society. I guess that really isn't so relatable to the majority (and maybe why some don't really get it) but reinforces the idea that even though they grew up in wealthy families they all had hard lives with little to no freedom not understanding Basic human interaction as well as dealing with very high expectations from their families. These things has taken a toll on each one of the characters and each one copes with this pressure in their own way. It's really great to see all of them try to act as "normal" teenagers and I greatly sympathize with and the way they open about themselves at the end was really moving. As for Ang and his squad they get hunted by an assassin who finds them thanks to Angs indescretion. It's frustrating at times seeing Ang fooling about even though he is supposed to be the saviour of the world but we must remember he is a kid and it's to be expected. Really great episode overall though I guess it's not for everyone.
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