Eroding Animation.
3 December 2021
Just so insanely vulgar. Gets by on trendy hot button issues. Literally , all thats kept this a float. Is the fear of saying anything. Kind of like the issues in real life. On top of the super disgusting and over the top writing. Its not funny..... Has rarely ever been so. Ive tried my best. But this show sucks. Just adult issues and dribble. If your looking for a cartoon. That uses kids. To go in to the darkest adult issues. Then good for you. Personally I think this is one of the worst animated series going! Sad , when it could of been a quality show. The fact that its made it to a 5th season. With little support. Is almost as disturbing as the show. Who is supporting this? Other shows withs tons of vulgarity and ect. I can appreciate. Due to quality and clever writing. Something very lost on this show. The onlything worse is the subject matter. I mean the intro. Pretty much tells you the direction. But tired of hearing the F word tied around every other gross word you think of. Going to watch something worthwhile. Like the life and times of tim. South park , Rick and morty ect....
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