.... E for effort ??
5 December 2021
HEY EVERBODY ITS ME (4), and today we review .... "freaky friday " - the movie .....

its 2 movies for the price of 1 !!!!!!!!! Sadly both are boring ....... i mean ... they both are basically the exact same thing ... girl ... runnign from monster guy whos is so terrible at hide and seek he has to get help ...but his minions are also RALLY bad at playing hide and seek and cant find a couple of girls who are literally sitting on a couch watching tv at one point .... the monster kind dude actually walks right past her .... goes up stairs .... unleashes a monster then to go and find her for him ???? His minions dont have eyes ....but he does ....but obviously needs some thick glasses ... lol..

listen .... it follows the story of ...a girl ..... whos forced into a castle because of a monster king letting a werewolf out to go scare her into the castles force field ...the one that the wereworlf can escape but the girl cant .....cut to .... modern times ....a girl exploring some woods with a camera .... she .... goes into a weird force field thing ??? Other dimension ??? And now the monster king is also interested in her ???? But shes in today ...and the red riding hood girl is in like ...1600s .....now ... the movie just cuts back and forth and back and forth for 1.25 hours of the same thing ...... monster guy walking around making grunting and growling noises ......then he lets a random monster go ..... maybe some magic sparkles float around .... NO ONE TALKS ....then some random guy shows up ....he talks for like 2 minutes about whats going on .... the cut to the other chick and repeat basically ..... then add more random characters and pointless walking around and more nothing happening ... and BAM you have this movie ... if you fall alseep you magically get sucked into some sort of forcefield thing that trasposts you back to the beginning of the film and you just .....keep going .. FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres what i think happened .........a few cos-play friends had some cool monster costumes , some nice silicone ones with the gloves and all .... AND they had access to a nice summer house ....and a castle location .....some wooded areas ...and they said " hey lets make a movie" .... "cool jimmy , but what about ? " .... jimmy:" it doesnt matter, we have cool stuff .. lets just film it and THEN decide what its about " ..... AAANNDDDDD here we have little red riding hood: grims horror .... and it has NOTHIGN TO DO WITH RED RIDING HOOD other than shes like "my grandmas sick" .....

oh and a wereworlf ? I guess ....

the audio is decent.... BUT HOLY DOODOO ON A CRACKER .... the prince charming dude LOL ..really ?????? Why ... why would you have done that guy like that .... im sure his real voice couldnt have been that bad .... and making it sound like the expected prince charming deep "manly" voice to that degree of the voice actor was tryhard a little to much ....not trying to tear this film apart but jesus you leave me no choice guys .... it really didnt fit AT ALL it looks unfitting and sounds unfitting and feels very unnatural ....just wow ...

and finally .. the last nail in the coffin .... the visual FX ... rough .... if the tracking would have been more stable on scenes like the soul transfer thing from the girl etc ....it could have worked ... but like .. it needed REAL world lighting in the room to help that blend well ... like if you would have had someone with a strobe going behind them and a green light phasing in and out slightly on his chest and on the walls some other lighting ... THEN added the digital FX wit hthe portal etc .. BAM it all would have really came together BUT as it stands now .... it just doesnt work cohesively ..... it just looks like some bad fx slapped lazily on to the film .....

im sorry man .... but if this would have been a one movie kind of movie .. i think it would have been better ..... IF you would have kept the zombie guy from the beginning as the woodsman and had him the entire time following her to try and help her but she kept running in fear .... that could have been the reason she fled to the castle ... then keep the werewolf for the very end , still have the king letting monsters go , and having the zombie woodsman fighting them for the girl, .... finally she figures out hes a good guy and he died trying to fight the king or something .... could have made it dramatic .. MAYBE a twist , its her dad that left home YEARS earlier ... oohhh gasp .... i mean seriously SO much more depth could have been in here ... but instead we get 1.25 hours of walking .....grunting .... growling .... walking ....growling .... new monster walking now .... growling ..... more walking .... ugh ........

1/10 .....
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