Review of Trust

Lost in Space: Trust (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
pretty decent
5 December 2021
Not quite as good as series 2 and better than series one.

They almost packed too much into it for me, instead of making some parts hit harder.

The Dad getting angry at the robot for not stopping Will from going off on his own and not taking on the robot horde single handed seemed one emotional twist too much, and it didn't really pay off in any meaningful way. There was a bit of that going on throughout series 3 and it cluttered the playing field, but there was also a lot of good stuff.

The world build and special effects were outstanding as they have been throughout the series. Overdid it on the asteroid field and the robot space ship crash right next to the ill-advised kids convoy without taking them all out may have looked good but broke believable physics again.

The acting was pretty good, especially the kids. All the top kid roles delivered and then some.

The adults did pretty good. Still didn't really like the new Dr Smith character, and not in a good didn't like way like the original 60s Smith.

I'd watch a series 4.
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