This wasn't your archetypical Christmas movie...
5 December 2021
Right, well as I sat down to watch the 2021 Christmas movie "A Jenkins Family Christmas" from writers Oscar Estella, Joy Kecken and Christopher Oscar Pena I must admit that I was expecting it to be a Christmas movie. And calling "A Jenkins Family Christmas" a Christmas movie might be stretching it a bit.

Now, let me just say that this is a family drama about a somewhat dysfunctional family coming together for the Christmas holidays for the first time after the patriarch of the family has passed away. And things to mighty awry for the family.

I didn't really sit with a sense of Christmas feel as I watched "A Jenkins Family Christmas". Sure, it was a watchable movie, but if you are expecting a traditional Christmas movie, then "A Jenkins Family Christmas" might not be the best of choices. Especially since it was essentially just the last 10-15 minutes that had that tradition Christmas movie feel to it. The rest of the movie was a family drama.

The acting performances in director Robin Givens' 2021 movie were actually good. I wasn't familiar with the cast here, but they definitely put on believable performances in their individual roles and characters.

I have to say that I was somewhat disappointed with this movie, as I had been expecting a proper - and sappy - Christmas movie. I wasn't by any means expecting it to be a heavy family drama.

My rating of "A Jenkins Family Christmas" reflects my disappointment, as I must rate the movie a flat and mediocre five out of ten stars. However, if you sit down to watch "A Jenkins Family Christmas" with the intentions and expectations of being in for a dysfunctional family drama and not a Christmas movie, then I believe you will get more enjoyment from the movie.
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