Chucky: Death by Misadventure (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
JUST OKAY - (6 stars out of 10)
6 December 2021
The stage curtains open ...

Episode 1, "Death by Misadventure", of the new Chucky Series wasn't bad. As an introduction, it served its purpose. I've been onboard with Chucky since the very first "Child's Play" movie came out in 1988. Having Brad Dourif do the voice of the maniacal doll was a stroke of genious and it was awesome to see that he has returned to the role, as well as bringing back the original doll instead of trying to invent a new look for him like the last reboot movie did.

This story begins 4 years after the events of the film, "Cult of Chucky" in the city of Hackensack, New Jersey, where our main character, Jake, discovers a vintage Good Guy Doll at a yardsale. Purchasing the doll for $10, Jake takes it home with him, not knowing really what he has in his possesion. Being bullied at school, the brunt of cruel jokes from his cousin, and under the scrutinizing eye of his father ever since his mother died, Jake is learning to deal with his own sexuality and the loss of his mother. When he finds out how much his Good Guy Doll named Chucky is worth ($1,500), he immediately puts him up for sale and receives a strange phone call from an anonymous person warning him to be careful, and to check the batteries. It isn't long before Jake knows that what he has is much more than a doll.

I found this to be entertaining, but as for this first episode, it wasn't anything special or noteworthy. There were a few things I pulled out of it that I did like. I felt that the production value was good. It was well filmed, with good cinematography, use of colors and special effects. The school talent show was pretty cool, and I love that we seem to be getting more of a background and history on Charles Lee Ray himself.

For a foundational episode, this was solid. I have high hopes though, that the series will get better as it develops, because if this is as good as it gets, well ... I will have to wait and see before I can comment on that. I give this 6 stars out of 10 with the promise of something better as the series unfolds.
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