Extremely Disappointing
6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although the film had an all-star cast, they have way too many characters, who are mostly poorly written and lack any depth.

There are several plot points that just don't go anywhere - the old village police officer, Fazlur Rahman Babu, Iresh Zaker's characters. Satabdi Wadud's character felt unnecessary to the plot. Some might say that they are being set up for the sequel but their whole sub-plot is just forgettable. These are really talented, experienced actors who I felt they were hard done by bad writing.

The main character's romance plot felt unnecessary and ultimately takes too much time and leads nowhere.

The chilling cold opening of the film doesn't tie into it at all.

The main plot felt very linear and predictable. No real fight scenes, just some CGI explosions and actual action scenes are very few and far between.

The villain is yet another "just a bad guy" with no real motivation or backstory, he even does the evil laugh at the end of the film. I don't get why most Bangladeshi films can't create grounded villain characters who the audience understands, from their tragic backstories to them having a complex range of emotions. Showing us however despicable they might be they are also human. Rehana Maryam Noor was an really good example of how to create compelling villains.

Arefin Shuvo and Sadia Nabila carry the film with their acting, it's an unwatchable mess otherwise.

Reading some of these reviews, if you honestly think Mission Extreme is a world class action Blockbuster, I ask you to watch The Raid, an highly acclaimed film made in Indonesia 10 years ago on a very low budget and then compare the two. That film has been the gold standard for modern action films like John Wick.
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