What a joke!
8 December 2021
I am a big ghost adventures fan. I have been for years, but this was the worst acted pile of tv crapmanship ive ever seen! Like Zak is getting worse and worse for this stuff now..he doesn't even care about real evidence anymore and it's sad. He just fabrics everything now. That's why Nick Groff left. But this special was by far the worst! These stupid vampire actors, and voodoo lady haha😂 oh my what a hilarious group of low budget actors they got! Man these guys were bad! And even the psychic was right in on it and now we know she a fake too! And when they showed Zaks phone like he had just got that text from Jay! 😂 yet part of it was blacked out and it didn't even show the tiles it was delivered! And above the message it said New! Lol..do he just sent it to him right then! 😂 like only gullible ignorant ppl would believe this, and enjoy an episode like this. I am extremely disappointed. And I am losing faith in this show and Zak.

Every episode he had a freak out lol like he's being possessed all the time n becomes angr, it literally happens every episode now. He's such a fake.
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