This intriguing/chilling Italian Giallo displays colorful images , disturbing frames and suspenseful scenes .
10 December 2021
"A Black Veil for Lisa" is a decent mystery/thriller with a lot of mysterious murders and combining the elements of intrigue with drama , shocking scenes , jealousy , plot twists and a pretty unexpected, unpredictable conclusion . Atmospheric and oddball Giallo with chilling frames , twisted scenes , taking place cruel killing s , and confusion around a really jealous hubby . This is pretty entertaining stuff deals with a commissioner , Inspector Franz Bulon (John Mills) , a tough narcotics detective who's attempting to find out a series of grisly murders , while bring down a major drug syndicate in Hamburgo town . But Bulon results to be also a possessive husband who hires a murderer (Robert Hoffmann) to kill his unfaithful wife Lisa (Luciana Paluzzi) , but the hunter and the hunted soon begin an affair . However, every time Bulon gets close to a potential informant , the said person has a nasty knack of turning up dead . Bulon's superiors are concerned that his mind doesn't seem to be on the job due to he is being thwarted at every turn . And to a high degree they're alright , that's why Bulon is so preoccupied with keeping tabs on his spouse that he isn't keeping on top of the rest of his work . He also believes that she is having an affair , and is plagued by thoughts of her with other men . He also suspects his spouse Lisa of sabotaging a big narcotics case he's working on . White veils for angels...

An attractive Giallo that focuses on police procedure with usual investigation over the usual murder-mystery antics as well as the dramatic events about a jealous husband . A mystery/thriller in which the starring leading to the edge of sanity and extreme violence , resulting in unpredictable consequences , including spine-tingling intrigue , thrilling events with plenty of shocks , deliciously twisted happenings and brief touches of erotism with brief nudism . Suspenseful and interesting screenplay with mysterious events written by Giuseppe Belli , Vittoriano Petrilli and Massimo Dallamano himself . Although there are various incidents that defy belief , filmmaker Dallamano does a competent work of keeping pace and tension cranked up . Makes for some pretty intriguing and suspenseful moments that somewhat make up for the weak climax . Good film with Giallli overtones and surprising intrigue being well proceeded here and there , along with an unbearably tense in charge of the three adequate protagonists giving top-notch interpretations . Stars the veteran John Mills who gives a terrific acting as the obsessed , abussive usband , the handsome Robert Hoffmann as a tough hit-man , he also starred another good Giallo : Naked Girl Murdered in the Park (1972) and the extremely gorgeous Luzziana Paluzzi of Thunderball. Being an Italy/West Germany co-production shows up secondary actors from both countries , such as Renata Kashe , Carlo Hintermann , Tullio Altamura , Enzo Fiermonte , Jimmy il Fenomeno , among others .

It contains an atmospheric and evocative musical score in the Sixties style from Giovanni Fusco , Richard Markowitz , Gianfranco Reverberi , adding the catching song Melodie de Lisa Words and music by Alan Gordon and Gary Bonner . Here stands out the colorful and brilliant cinematography by Angelo Lotti with a well remastered copy .The motion picture was competently written and directed by Massimo Dallamano or ¨Max Dillman¨ who previously photographed ¨Fistful of dollars¨and ¨For a fistful dollars more. Dallamano managed to make a fluid , witty and agreeable Giallo . He also proved his experience in thriller and other Giallo movies , such as : "What Have You Done to Solange?" , "The Cursed Medallion" ,¨Portrait of Dorian Gray ¨ ,"Colt 38 Special Squad" , "Mafia Junction" , "What Have They Done to Your Daughters?" or "The Coed Murders" , among others . Rating 6.5/10. Well worth watching . The flick will appeal to Gialli fans.
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