American Moon (2017)
A documentary full of deception
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was appalled at the intentional lies and deception in this documentary. Every bit of it can be debunked. More egregious bits include not revealing 380kg of moon rocks were brought back, and that rocks from Antarctica are impossible to pass off as coming from the moon. Proposed that a laser bounced off the lunar soil gives the same results as bouncing off a man-made reflector. Implies wires can be used for videos when movies must remove these using CGI which was not available at the time. Proposes rear projection was used by selecting only the images that suggest this, ignoring the hundreds of others where this would have been impossible. Asserts lunar probes in the 60s had enough detail to be used to fake the fine details during close ups in the Apollo films. Provides outdated information about the Van Allen Belt, including not showing a letter from Van Allen stating the radiation did not pose a danger. Ridiculed the lunar module construction when probes today use similar materials. Fails to show the 2014 Chinese lander pictures which showed no blast crater, backlighting effects like the Buzz Aldrin photo and wet looking soil, essentially destroying these arguments. Implied because sometimes exhaust flames are visible in space, that they are always visible, that one picture of non-parallel shadows is evidence despite dozens of others showing parallel shadows, and to top it off, he showed poor quality photos which had their contrast deliberately altered to imply spotlights were used. Incorrectly argued that flag moving scenes were from wind without doing any experiments, and dismissing other more likely possibilities. False arguments and experiments on the effects of radiation on film and implying astronauts stage fright weeks after coming back from enduring quarantine is evidence of deception. He left out crucial bits of information and evidence in order to support his theories, and down right deceives in other cases. This is just a taste of the flaws which you can read as comments on the YouTube page showing of this film. DO NOT waste money on deception.
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