Tarzan Scraps With The Skyscrapers
11 December 2021
This movie is actually a great deal of fun. It sounds like it could be a disaster, but I think the smartest thing they did was keep this movie at 70 minutes in length. There's no time to get bored. It moves along very quickly, unlike modern movies that go on and on and on and on and you just wish the stupid things would end so that you could go home and watch something better on TV.

Basically, some greedy jerks kidnap Tarzan's adopted son and take him to New York City. The jerks also kidnap a bunch of animals because that's what greedy jerks do: they take stuff that isn't theirs. As you can imagine the Lord of the Jungle is not pleased and he and Jane and their pet chimp Cheeta head for the Big Apple to set things right.

Lots of things to see and do in the great city of New York, but Tarzan doesn't have time to dilly dally. He wants his son and he wants him now. No time for foolishness! Cheeta, however, the chimp, does have lots of time for foolishness and we see Cheeta do all kinds of funny and wacky things. Those are wonderful scenes. There is also a wonderful scene in a court of law.

Anyway, that's the premise of the movie and it's very well done. Lots of action, lots of humor, lots of wise words about mankind, the beautiful Jane, and generally a good old-fashioned time for all. Don't miss this Tarzan classic. It's one of the best and it holds up very well.
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