The only desirable things in the film are Garbo-Douglas-Stroheim trio and long lost formula that's been stampeded in the climax.
12 December 2021
As You Desire Me (1932) : Brief Review -

The only desirable things in the film are Garbo-Douglas-Stroheim trio and long lost formula that's been stampeded in the climax. As You Desire has a great cast and you can sense it easily. When Greata Garbo, Melvyn Douglas and Erich von Stroheim come together, the product is supposed to be solid. However, this one really doesn't reach that level. Nevertheless, the trio makes quite watchable and with short runtime of 70 minutes, i don't think there is anything much bothering about it. In the film, an officer tries to convince an amnesiac bar entertainer that she is his long-lost lover. A writer, who wants her, tries to spoil this new love affair, which unfortunately ends up with little dumb theories. That climax scene was really something not good, that's my way to avoid calling it "Terrible" but you understand the gist of it, right. The clarity about Maria was missing, the past was unclear which didn't suit the clear ending they showed. Was it done in rush? I am not sure, but the writing is at fault somewhere (you can blame the original play for that, i haven't read it so..). The likeable things are performances and dialogues. Greta Garbo looks gorgeous and performs beautifully too. Douglas and Stroheim support her strongly, therefore, making the trio go away with the best impact out of this show. I liked Garbo at the beginning in that drunken mode, how cute her dialogue delivery was. "Oh, did i hurt you?", she asks. "No", says he. She fearlessly intrudes, "I will do it next time". George Fitzmaurice tries to make it end on audience friendly note but i think he misunderstood things. Looking at that climax I was laughing and asking to myself, was this film made in 19th century? The woman comes with her face covered and nobody freaking wants to see it until they finish their arguments? Lol.. Anyways, overall it's a decent one time watch for that long-lost formula of Love but that stampede in climax was unnecessary.

RATING - 6/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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