Times Square (1980)
strip club concerns
12 December 2021
Shy teen Pamela Pearl (Trini Alvarado) hates being used by her political father who is driving to clean up Times Square. She is sent to New York Neurological Hospital after a mental breakdown. Her roommate is streetwise volatile guitarist Nicky Marotta (Robin Johnson). Nicky runs away when her lab test finds nothing and she's facing juvie time. Pamela reluctantly joins her. Radio DJ Johnny LaGuardia (Tim Curry) makes the girls into a media story.

I love this until the strip club. It takes the reality out of the movie even more than usual. It doesn't help that Trini is obviously underaged. She's way, way, way underaged and even suggesting topless is creepy. It makes no sense. It would be easier for the girls to get a job in a night club. Sure, they are still underaged and they would never get hired. At least, it wouldn't be a strip club and it makes more sense for Nicky's performing. I do like Robin Johnson's punk personality and performance. I like both girls. They could have made Nicky a lesbian and added a more complicated relationship for the girls. All in all, I like the two young actress, the New York City streets, and the attempt at tween punk.
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