Review of Ice Bound

Ice Bound (2003 TV Movie)
Nobody ever left this place the same person they were when they got here.
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's nothing cold about Susan Sarandon performance in this TV movie about the real-life doctor who Took an assignment in the coldest part of Antarctica only to discover that she has breast cancer. At first, she doesn't seem to sit in first, seemingly having wanted to take the assignment so she could have some peace and quiet. She wakes up to find men in her little room, staring at her in the shower as they prepare to urinate and one man playing a cruel practical joke on her in regards to a penguin round up when there aren't any penguins in the area.

As always happens in films like this, the rather cool heroin does eventually become closer to other crew members, especially when she must reveal the truth about her health. Sarandon is a great actress for showing her emotion, and when she says that if she is indeed infected with cancer, she could only have two months. The fact that there will not be a plane coming in for 4 months to this desolate era is another important factor, and everybody surrounds her with love and support.

Of course there are the standard misunderstandings between the male and female researchers and other members of the party, but all in all, they really get along, and Sarandon in particular makes a great friend with an older man hope it comes like a father figure to her. The man whom she initially has conflict with also becomes very close to her, and it's insinuated that romantic feelings are growing in spite of how they initially hit it off.

But this is not your sobby TV soap opera where the heroine dies out in the cold at the end. This is about one woman's determination to jail with a life-threatening situation and the support of the friends around her. You get to see real life Antarctic locations, particularly the dome in which they live. The ensemble, filled with actors I've never seen before, is very good, and overall, this is quite a dramatic and well done story of hope.
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